[12:06] Cybergrrl Oh: THE ONE RULE: Please type QUESTION before you ask a question so we can keep track. If you have a comment, jump in any time.
[12:06] Marjorie Quandry: Welcome Alasgal
[12:06] Cybergrrl Oh: Marjorie Brody is an award winning author, executive coach and world class speaker.
[12:06] Cybergrrl Oh: She has written a number of books but today we'll be focusing in her book "Career Magic: A Woman's Guide to Reward & Recognition."
[12:06] Cybergrrl Oh: You can find out more about her work at http://www.marjoriebrody.com
[12:06] Cybergrrl Oh: Before we go on, let's intro ourselves
[12:06] Cybergrrl Oh: Me first
[12:06] Cybergrrl Oh: I'm Cybergrrl Oh
[12:07] Cybergrrl Oh: I co-own Athena Isle
[12:07] Cybergrrl Oh: and I host these roundtables
[12:07] Cybergrrl Oh: Let's go to my right
[12:07] Cybergrrl Oh: Please intro...
[12:07] Twstd Ruggles: Aloha, I am TWstd Ruggles.
[12:08] Twstd Ruggles: I am co owner of the non profit sim Oahu, Hawaii
[12:09] Twstd Ruggles: Marjorie i am done
[12:09] Marjorie Quandry: I'm Marjorie Brody, the author, and CEO of BRODY Professional Development in Philadelphia...
[12:09] Twstd Ruggles: oh ok :)
[12:09] Marjorie Quandry: I picked my avatar name, because this is all a quandry to me!
[12:09] Cybergrrl Oh: lol
[12:09] Twstd Ruggles: lol
[12:09] Marjorie Quandry: But, I am here to answer your questions ....
[12:09] Rain Ninetails: wow, I'm Rain Ninetails, and I am interested in online business and exteding it to rl
[12:09] Marjorie Quandry: and if it involves more time, I can answer you offline ...
[12:10] Marjorie Quandry: Finished
[12:10] Cybergrrl Oh: next
[12:10] Alasgal Gourdou: I'm Alaskgal Gourdou
[12:10] Twstd Ruggles: Welcome Goldie
[12:10] Goldie Katsu: Thank you
[12:10] Cybergrrl Oh: Hi Goldie
[12:11] Alasgal Gourdou: New to SL - as you can tell from my too cool hair
[12:11] Twstd Ruggles: :)
[12:11] Irisgrl Saphir: Hi Alaskgal, I started as Harajuku Gal, too and look at me now!
[12:11] Cybergrrl Oh: We're just doing intros
[12:12] Cybergrrl Oh: Is Goldie the last one to do an intro?
[12:12] Goldie Katsu grns
[12:12] Twstd Ruggles: i think Irsigrl is next
[12:13] Cybergrrl Oh: Thanks!
[12:13] Irisgrl Saphir: SL froze my computer --sorry; looking for new career path in USA, seminars or editing, etc.
[12:13] Twstd Ruggles: great
[12:13] Irisgrl Saphir: before we get into it, where will the transcript be?
[12:13] Cybergrrl Oh: The transcript will be on Athena Isle blog but if you want to be removed, I can always do that
[12:14] Irisgrl Saphir: removed?
[12:14] Cybergrrl Oh: some people want privacy
[12:14] Irisgrl Saphir: No, I keep up with AI blog
[12:14] Cybergrrl Oh: Great!
[12:14] Irisgrl Saphir: got it--no, I'm fine in not removed
[12:14] Cybergrrl Oh: ok
[12:15] Twstd Ruggles: Goldie its your tun for intro
[12:15] Goldie Katsu: I'm Goldie Katsu I've been in SL for a while and I'm really here just to learn.
[12:15] Twstd Ruggles: cool!!
[12:15] Goldie Katsu: I do building and scripting and *points above her head* linden bear hunting.
[12:16] Twstd Ruggles: :)
[12:16] Cybergrrl Oh: Linden bears!
[12:16] Cybergrrl Oh: OK, glad to meet and see everyone
[12:16] Cybergrrl Oh: I'm going to start with the questions
[12:16] Cybergrrl Oh: Then Twstd will take over
[12:16] Cybergrrl Oh: THE ONE RULE: Please type QUESTION before you ask a question so we can keep track. If you have a comment, jump in any time.
[12:17] Cybergrrl Oh: Marjorie, we're jumping in
[12:17] Marjorie Quandry: Ready
[12:17] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: What is an executive coach?
[12:17] Marjorie Quandry: A person who works with leaders/execs within organizations and ...
[12:17] Marjorie Quandry: corporations so they can acheive their professional best
[12:18] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: What inspired you to write your book?
[12:18] Cybergrrl Oh: The Career Magic book
[12:18] Marjorie Quandry: I believe in making things happen ...
[12:18] Marjorie Quandry: rather than waiting for them to happen ...
[12:18] Marjorie Quandry: I'd noticed much frustration from women ...
[12:19] Marjorie Quandry: who were uncomfortable with self-promotion.
[12:19] Marjorie Quandry: I wanted to teach them how to do it.
[12:19] Alasgal Gourdou: Question: do you know where this discomfort comes from?
[12:19] Cybergrrl Oh: QUESTION: What exactly is Career Magic?
[12:19] Marjorie Quandry: We as women believe the myths .... we heard when growing up.
[12:19] Cybergrrl Oh: Twstd will help track questions
[12:19] Marjorie Quandry: Things like "It's not nice to talk about yourself ...
[12:20] Marjorie Quandry: whereas young boys do something well ....
[12:20] Marjorie Quandry: and beat their chest. ... that seems to be accepted ...
[12:20] Marjorie Quandry: girls are more sensitive to what others think of them...
[12:20] Marjorie Quandry: one upmanship has historically not been accepted for females ...
[12:20] Marjorie Quandry: this carries over into our professional lives. Cybergrrl .... to answer your question ...
[12:21] Marjorie Quandry: Career MAGIC is about having choices ...
[12:21] Marjorie Quandry: in order to do that, people have got to know what you want ...
[12:21] Marjorie Quandry: and what you are capable of doing.
[12:21] Marjorie Quandry: Do you want me to explain the MAGIC formula now?
[12:21] Cybergrrl Oh: Yes!
[12:22] Cybergrrl Oh: We want our magic
[12:22] Cybergrrl Oh: ;-)
[12:22] Marjorie Quandry: The M in MAGIC stands for Manner ...
[12:22] Marjorie Quandry: THe way you come across to others ...
[12:22] Marjorie Quandry: how you walk, how you talk ... how you meet people ...
[12:22] Marjorie Quandry: and how you treat people
[12:22] Marjorie Quandry: The "A" represents advocates ...
[12:22] Marjorie Quandry: people who know you, believe in you ....
[12:23] Marjorie Quandry: and are in the position to hire you, promote you ...
[12:23] Marjorie Quandry: give you referrals, put you on teams, etc. -- in other words ...
[12:23] Marjorie Quandry: your personal salesforce
[12:23] Marjorie Quandry: The G in MAGIC is about growth ...
[12:23] Marjorie Quandry: if you aren't green and growing, you are ripe and rotting ...
[12:23] Marjorie Quandry: It is critical to be a lifelong learner, always looking for ways ...
[12:23] Marjorie Quandry: to enhance your knowledge, increase your skillset ....
[12:23] Marjorie Quandry: and be willing to take risks
[12:24] Marjorie Quandry: The I in MAGIC is to get involved within your organization, industry, and community
[12:24] Marjorie Quandry: In places and activities where you will meet potential advocates ...
[12:24] Marjorie Quandry: and develop skillsets
[12:24] Marjorie Quandry: the key is NOT just to join, but take leadership responsibilities
[12:24] Marjorie Quandry: FInally, the C ....
[12:24] Marjorie Quandry: is about creating Commentary...
[12:25] Marjorie Quandry: In order to get brand recognition, you need to be perceived as an expert ...
[12:25] Marjorie Quandry: So, speak up at meetings, volunteer to speak at association meetings ...
[12:25] Marjorie Quandry: and write articles within company and industry publications
[12:25] Marjorie Quandry: That's the MAGIC formula
[12:25] Marjorie Quandry: I can personally attest to the fact that it works!
[12:25] Twstd Ruggles: QUESTION: How can I get Career Magic?
[12:26] Marjorie Quandry: Are you talking about my book or the philosophy?
[12:26] Twstd Ruggles: philosophy
[12:26] Marjorie Quandry: The book can be ordered from the shopping cart at ...
[12:26] Marjorie Quandry: brodypro.com.
[12:26] Marjorie Quandry: As far as the philosophy ...
[12:26] Marjorie Quandry: Start working on each of the letters ....
[12:27] Marjorie Quandry: The good news is that the concepts are universal ....
[12:27] Marjorie Quandry: and applicable within all industries and all career levels
[12:27] Twstd Ruggles: QUESTION: Why do you think some women sabotage their chances of getting recognition and rewards?
[12:28] Marjorie Quandry: I think many women are uncomfortable with being ...
[12:28] Marjorie Quandry: in the forefront, and others unknowingly do things ...
[12:28] Marjorie Quandry: that limit their power and potential
[12:28] Marjorie Quandry: Some examples include ...
[12:28] Marjorie Quandry: having a voice that's too soft ....
[12:29] Marjorie Quandry: using rising intonation at the end of declarative sentence ...
[12:29] Marjorie Quandry: so it sounds like you're permission or a question ...
[12:29] Marjorie Quandry: They use "power robber" words like "I guess what I'm trying to say is ...
[12:29] Marjorie Quandry: Or, "I hope ..." "maybe" sorta" "kinda"
[12:30] Marjorie Quandry: They don't "own" their own success
[12:30] Marjorie Quandry: WHen it comes to dressing, frequently, women are too provocative ...
[12:30] Marjorie Quandry: which focuses attention on things other than their achievements
[12:30] Marjorie Quandry: They don't always speak up at meetings ....
[12:30] Marjorie Quandry: That's enough for examples ...
[12:31] Marjorie Quandry: Other questions?
[12:31] Twstd Ruggles: QUESTION: What can each of us do today to get more recognition and rewards in our career?
[12:31] Marjorie Quandry: Be clear about what you want ...
[12:31] Marjorie Quandry: and don't be afraid to let others know.)
[12:31] Twstd Ruggles: Does anyone have a career issue or question related to our topic that they'd like to ask Marjorie?
[12:32] Marjorie Quandry: While you're gathering questions ....
[12:32] Marjorie Quandry: One thing I was surprised to discover when I wrote this book ...
[12:32] Marjorie Quandry: I was surprised by how my concepts applyto entrepreneurs, administrative assistants ...
[12:32] Marjorie Quandry: and corporate professionals ....
[12:33] Marjorie Quandry: it was also surprising to learn that even women in ...
[12:33] Twstd Ruggles: wELCOME cHEPOOKA
[12:33] Chepooka Laval: thank you!
[12:33] Marjorie Quandry: senior level positions often have trouble self promoting.
[12:34] Twstd Ruggles: QUESTION: Do you find that women struggle with showing their success without coming off looking too over confident or even conceeded?
[12:34] Marjorie Quandry: Yes ....
[12:34] Marjorie Quandry: there is a fine line and a double standard ...
[12:34] Twstd Ruggles: i think so too
[12:34] Twstd Ruggles: how do we stay on the right side of that fine line
[12:35] Marjorie Quandry: keep producing results ...
[12:35] Marjorie Quandry: stop getting ready to GET ready, just DO it ...
[12:35] Irisgrl Saphir: QUESTION How to overcome fear of approaching new age/business group as a freelancer?
[12:35] Marjorie Quandry: and have faith in yourself and realize that you won't ...
[12:35] Marjorie Quandry: please everyone.
[12:36] Marjorie Quandry: Irisgrl, introduce yourself and start creating ...
[12:36] Marjorie Quandry: relationships with people that are in these groups ....
[12:36] Irisgrl Saphir: Ah faith in yourself when you're on thin ice---that is the hard part
[12:36] Marjorie Quandry: have samples of your work, and testimonials.
[12:36] Alasgal Gourdou: Question: is there a danger in being too self-promoting? Or is that my girl-myth talking?
[12:36] Marjorie Quandry: My question to you, Irisgrl is why do you have such a negative outlook?
[12:37] Marjorie Quandry: Yes, you can be too self-promoting, Alasgal ...
[12:37] Irisgrl Saphir: Because I was out of USA for long long time and out of my depth here
[12:37] Marjorie Quandry: Look for ways to develop advocates, so they can promote for you as well, Alasgal
[12:37] Marjorie Quandry: As for Iris ....
[12:38] Irisgrl Saphir: I like the "develop advocates" idea--new one
[12:38] Marjorie Quandry: US culture is much more forgiving about self promotion. ...
[12:38] Marjorie Quandry: than most other cultures
[12:38] Marjorie Quandry: If you wait your turn, you might never get it!@
[12:38] Irisgrl Saphir: "develop advocates" before self-promote sounds like a good route for me
[12:39] Marjorie Quandry: it's really looking for ways to help others, so they are able ...
[12:39] Marjorie Quandry: to "sell" you.
[12:39] Goldie Katsu: I think there is also a question about what it means to "Self promote"
[12:39] Twstd Ruggles: QUESTION: We have a lot of writers here today. Who is your book publisher and how did you get this book published?
[12:40] Marjorie Quandry: Self promotion is making others aware of what you're capable of doing ...
[12:40] Marjorie Quandry: and what you want to do ...
[12:40] Marjorie Quandry: it is BRAND recognition.
[12:40] Marjorie Quandry: As for my book .... my first 6 books were published by large NY publishers ...
[12:40] Marjorie Quandry: After that, I decided I wanted both control and to make more $ ....
[12:41] Marjorie Quandry: so I started my own publishing firm for my books called "Career Skills Press." ....
[12:41] Marjorie Quandry: We're in bookstores, won awards, and on amazon.com...
[12:41] Marjorie Quandry: It's much more profitable this way ....
[12:41] Twstd Ruggles: GREAT!!
[12:41] Irisgrl Saphir: So self-publishing works?!!!
[12:41] Marjorie Quandry: in fact, I had a large publisher approach me ...
[12:41] Marjorie Quandry: several years ago, wanting to buy the rights to one of my books ....
[12:41] Marjorie Quandry: What I heard what the advance would be, I told him ...
[12:41] Marjorie Quandry: "If you want to add a zero to that, I'll be happy to talk!"
[12:42] Twstd Ruggles: LOL
[12:42] Twstd Ruggles: great answer
[12:42] Marjorie Quandry: Self publishing can work ... if you have means of distribution .... don't forget my training company helps sells these books, too -- for our programs ....
[12:42] Marjorie Quandry: and my audiences ....
[12:42] Marjorie Quandry: as a professional speaker

[12:42] Irisgrl Saphir: QUESTION do you do appearances like book signings?
[12:43] Marjorie Quandry: Yes, when I have to .....
[12:43] Marjorie Quandry: but do much better by being interviewed by radio, TV and in magazines (and now SL!)
[12:43] Irisgrl Saphir: Ah--great tip!
[12:43] Twstd Ruggles: QUESTION: How can your advice help women who own their own business?
[12:43] Alasgal Gourdou: Thanks Marjorie - I must go but this have been very interesting to think about.
[12:44] Marjorie Quandry: First ... remember, I do own my own business -- BRODY Professional Development ....
[12:44] Marjorie Quandry: and I apply these techniques regularly
[12:44] Marjorie Quandry: Secondly ....
[12:44] Twstd Ruggles: ok Alasgal..thanks for coming
[12:44] Marjorie Quandry: in the book, I interviewed other entrepreneurs ...
[12:44] Marjorie Quandry: and business owners ...
[12:44] Marjorie Quandry: and got their insights and examples, as well.
[12:44] Marjorie Quandry: Thanks Alas! Feel free to visit my site/email me anytime.
[12:45] Twstd Ruggles: QUESTION:How can your advice help women who don't work? Such as stay-at-home moms?
[12:45] Marjorie Quandry: It will help stay at home moms or non-working women ...
[12:45] Marjorie Quandry: be involved within their own communities ....
[12:46] Marjorie Quandry: this can also help to build a resume, in case at some point ...
[12:46] Marjorie Quandry: they want to start working full or part time
[12:46] Twstd Ruggles: QUESTION: What are some of the worst things a woman can do in terms of her career?
[12:46] Tajah Arashi: yes...yess
[12:46] Marjorie Quandry: Let others define her potential ....
[12:46] Marjorie Quandry: not go after what she wants ....
[12:47] Marjorie Quandry: Keep waiting to be "perfect" ...
[12:47] Marjorie Quandry: Not delegating or hiring or asking for help on the home front ...
[12:47] Marjorie Quandry: That's it ...
[12:47] Twstd Ruggles: QUESTION: How can a woman repair any career setbacks?
[12:47] Marjorie Quandry: Please define "setback" because my answer will depend on the situation
[12:48] Twstd Ruggles: Well say they started off not very confident and now she wants to be able to change that so other people see her confidence.
[12:48] Marjorie Quandry: Oh ... OK .....
[12:49] Marjorie Quandry: Start behaving differently ....
[12:49] Marjorie Quandry: at first people will think that's strange ...
[12:49] Marjorie Quandry: but consistency will make the difference.
[12:49] Twstd Ruggles: QUESTION: What is an example of Career Magic that you have experienced in your own career?
[12:50] Marjorie Quandry: I was able to leave the hallowed halls of academia ...
[12:50] Marjorie Quandry: after 22 years of teaching, to start a training corporation ...
[12:50] Marjorie Quandry: serving the Fortune 100-500 (and others) ....
[12:50] Marjorie Quandry: that took "balls" !
[12:50] Twstd Ruggles: wow
[12:51] Twstd Ruggles: how did u get them to let u in the door
[12:51] Marjorie Quandry: And, I had NO corporate experience
[12:51] Marjorie Quandry: Lots of phone calls ...
[12:51] Marjorie Quandry: Doing a great job ....
[12:51] Marjorie Quandry: Asking for referrals ...
[12:51] Marjorie Quandry: Building a network ...
[12:51] Marjorie Quandry: of advocates. ...
[12:51] Marjorie Quandry: and applying the MAGIC formula that I've laid out today
[12:52] Twstd Ruggles: great!!
[12:52] Twstd Ruggles: well that is last of my questions...does anyone else have any before we wrap up?
[12:52] Tajah Arashi: I'm sorry i missed the first half
[12:52] Marjorie Quandry: I'd like to mention my newest professional development "product" after questions are over .....
[12:52] Twstd Ruggles: hi Tajah its ok we will post entire forum on the blog
[12:52] Tajah Arashi: thx
[12:52] Twstd Ruggles: ok great
[12:52] Twstd Ruggles: so anyone else? last call
[12:53] Irisgrl Saphir: Glad I came..
[12:53] Tajah Arashi: great advice i may frame some of your statements for my wall
[12:53] Marjorie Quandry: First, thank you ALL! .....
[12:53] Marjorie Quandry: For making my first SL experience an interesting one.
[12:53] Chepooka Laval: thanks Marjorie!
[12:53] Tajah Arashi: Please come back!
[12:53] Marjorie Quandry: Tajah -- sounds great ....
[12:53] Twstd Ruggles: thank you again for being here Marjorie
[12:54] Marjorie Quandry: I want to let everyone know ....
[12:54] Twstd Ruggles: I look forward to reading your book.
[12:54] Marjorie Quandry: About BRODY BOOST Camp ... my new public career development ...
[12:54] Marjorie Quandry: seminars ... coming this fall in the Philadelphia area ...
[12:54] Marjorie Quandry: Thanks , Twstd!
[12:54] Twstd Ruggles: you're welcome
[12:54] Marjorie Quandry: It's BRODY Boost Camp ......which will be held October 30th ...
[12:54] Marjorie Quandry: and again on Nov. 13 ....
[12:55] Marjorie Quandry: I will share the secrets and strategies that can boost careers ...
[12:55] Marjorie Quandry: and expand visibility for individuals ...
[12:55] Tajah Arashi: could you do a camp on SL we have Linden dollars...
[12:55] Marjorie Quandry: Check out www.BrodyPro.com for the details. Any SL citizens who IM me TODAY ....
[12:56] Marjorie Quandry: will receive a 10% discount off the early bird price ...
[12:56] Cybergrrl Oh: Wonderful!!
[12:56] Marjorie Quandry: Tajah ... I am now exploring doing business in SL ....
[12:56] Marjorie Quandry: Anyone who wants to be added to my RL mailing list .... please email me or IM me soon ....
[12:57] Marjorie Quandry: And, copies of Career MAGIC can be bought by visiting Estore at www.brodypro.com ....
[12:57] Marjorie Quandry: I'll autograph it, if you contact me ....
[12:57] Twstd Ruggles: wow thanks so much
[12:57] Marjorie Quandry: Thank you all again! Remember ....
[12:57] Goldie Katsu: Thank you all.
[12:57] Marjorie Quandry: go out and MARKET Your MAGIC!
[12:57] Twstd Ruggles: `*~*`WooT WooT`*~*`
[12:57] Tajah Arashi: Thank you for spending time with us.
[12:58] Marjorie Quandry: My pleasure.
[12:58] Goldie Katsu: Yes, thank you Marjorie.
[12:58] Marjorie Quandry: I'll be on SL until 4:30 ET today ... for those interested ....
[12:58] Goldie Katsu waves goodbye "I'm off to my next meeting"
[12:58] Twstd Ruggles: thanks everyone for coming today
[12:58] Tajah Arashi: Bye goldie
[12:58] Marjorie Quandry: bye!
[12:58] Twstd Ruggles: bye goldie
[12:58] Cybergrrl Oh: Bye Bye!
[12:58] Cybergrrl Oh: everyone - thanks for being here
[12:59] Marjorie Quandry: Thank you Cybergrrl again for inviting me!
[12:59] Cybergrrl Oh: Thank you so much for being here
[13:00] Cybergrrl Oh: The transcript will go online in a few days
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