Thursday, July 16, 2009

Athena Isle Women seeking Female Authors for Appearances

Cover of "Tripping the Prom Queen: The Tr...Cover via Amazon

We are looking to feature female authors on Athena Isle, our virtual space on Second Life devoted to women's art and creativity. In the past, we've featured Sarah Susanka (The Not So Big Life), Janice Taylor (Our Lady of Weight Loss), Pat Davis (Great Sex), Susan Shapiro Barash (Tripping the Prom Queen), and Roberta Isleib (president of Sisters in Crime).

The author events will take place on Tuesdays at 11am SLT (PST).

This live appearance requires broadband connectivity and technical savvy, however, we can provide some tech support to make this happen and will create a custom avatar for the author. Events are promoted using both Second Life and social media and can augment book promotions in unexpected ways.

We are looking to feature female authors on Athena Isle, our virtual space on Second Life devoted to women's art and creativity. In the past, we've featured Sarah Susanka (The Not So Big Life), Janice Taylor (Our Lady of Weight Loss), Pat Davis (Great Sex), Susan Shapiro Barash (Tripping the Prom Queen), and Roberta Isleib (president of Sisters in Crime).

Please send a brief synopsis and author bio if interested to cybergrrloh AT GMAIL dot com, and we'll send the technical specs before confirming an appearance date.
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Cover of "Tripping the Prom Queen: The Tr...Cover via Amazon

We are looking to feature female authors on Athena Isle, our virtual space on Second Life devoted to women's art and creativity. In the past, we've featured Sarah Susanka (The Not So Big Life), Janice Taylor (Our Lady of Weight Loss), Pat Davis (Great Sex), Susan Shapiro Barash (Tripping the Prom Queen), and Roberta Isleib (president of Sisters in Crime).

The author events will take place on Tuesdays at 11am SLT (PST).

This live appearance requires broadband connectivity and technical savvy, however, we can provide some tech support to make this happen and will create a custom avatar for the author. Events are promoted using both Second Life and social media and can augment book promotions in unexpected ways. There is no cost for this appearance.

Please send a brief synopsis and author bio if interested to cybergrrloh AT GMAIL dot com, and we'll send the technical specs before confirming an appearance date.
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