Sunday, December 23, 2007

The New Clubhouse!

So much has happened since I first formed the Second Life Women's Club a few months ago. Namely, I have a new clubhouse on Athena Isle.

Right now it consists of:

1. An outdoor venue accommodating up to 40 people with a stage. For guest speakers, panel discussions and music events.

2. A 3-tiered meeting space. First floor are chairs around a fire, second floor are cushions around a candle and third floor is a Mysti Table for roundtable discussions. Most Isle events will take place here to start.

3. Athena Gallery - Women's art. Officially opens in January. The first month is to market women artists, subsequent months may include artwork for sale.

4. Gallery Rooftop/Party Deck - The deck is for parties, dancing, hanging out. Currently under construction.

5. Cybergrrl Productions Office - I'm trying to keep regular office hours Monday thru Friday between 10am-11am SLT.

6. Sky studio - For my new show "REAL BIZ in SL" which debuts in January.

7. Cybergrrl house - In the sky. Consists of a little Japanese house and a Zen garden.

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